Monday 27 May 2013

Context publication production

Today was the day I started actually putting the content for the context publication together.
I started by popping into town and buying some clips and a holepunch as well as some paper.

Whilst in Ryman's I found this multicoloured pack of tabbed pages with holes already in them. The only downsides were that the stock had a weird texture on them and I they were in primary colours and I was going for an office aesthetic.

They also had a weird black stain on the left hand sign. However, I was still able to use them as a mock up and a tester.

Along with the paper, I bought metal binding clips. This was to fit in with the office aesthetic.

I then used the file paper as a template and created these dividers.

They all seemed to work fine. 

I then used my home printer (as the college printer was out of order)
to print off the dividers. This was a tad risky as I wasn't sure if my printer would be able to take my own stock.

The whole publication works as a single sheet document so it was good thing that my printer actually worked.  This meant I could use it to print the whole thing. The tabbed dividers are printed onto grey stock.

The final result. Really pleased with how it came out. But I still had loads to cut out

Getting there.

I also started printing the content (inside pages) on 85gsm white paper. This was to show the contrast in thickness between the dividers and the inside pages.

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