Monday 20 May 2013

Rosie sketchbook publication

One of the comments made during Friday's crit was that the lookbook was too thick and wasn't something that could be mass produced. It was suggested I make a mini publication with selected work.

I then thought of doing two mini publications. One for her selected work and another for her sketchbook pieces.

I started, like the main lookbook, with an A5 document with an introduction page.
This layout should be pretty simple as all the elements are already there.

I then began laying out her sketchbook work with a spread per page.
Along with the descriptions (title and medium used)

I included Rosie's name as well as 'Sketchbook Work' on the master pages.


The cover consists of Rosie's branding mark over a piece of her work. I added the red square for consistency throughout her branding.

final layout

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