Friday 17 May 2013

Final Crit

Today was the day! The final crit was upon us. The crit groups was split into two studios and two groups. The group Fred felt happy with was in Studio 2. I was fortunate to be in that group. The morning started with setting the work in our allocated studio by 9:30am. We then had 20 or so mins to look through everyone's work and how it was presented.

We were then split into groups and then into pairs. My group consisted of Kirsty A, Claudia, Yaf, Will and Eddie. Me and Yaf paired up.

Will and Eddie paired up and critiqued my work. This was the response.

The response I had from Will and Eddie was really positive and couldn't have gone better.
They made an interesting point about photographing the work to show each project in the best way possible. They also mentioned I should continue 'Dialogues' but I'm not sure how possible it is with the time available.

The typeface went down really well and they recommended I use the stencil variation.

I don't approve of the swearing on the sheet but appreciate the great feedback as its given me an extra (must needed boost, in the FMP last stages)

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