Tuesday 28 May 2013

Type 7 Marina typeface evaluation

Typeface evaluation This brief was to design a typeface that took influence from sailing boat typography. After visiting the Maritime Museum in Cornwall I was inspired to design a custom sailing boat typeface using Din as the basic structure. The brief was focused the clarity of sailing boats typeface to create a useable typeface that would be available via an online type foundry. I chose this brief to have fun really and design a typeface and learn the principles of typography along the way. With designing Marina typeface I gained a lot in terms of self publishing, image making and finding who I am as a designer. The brief allowed me to explore type in a way that I had never used before. I worked to a limited budget and produced imagery in the form of posters and publications, in a very Low fi way limiting cost and expensive digital print. but treated in a way that gives each print individuality, akin to a screen-print. This brief both informed and summarsied my practice and allowed me to have complete creative freedom within a brief and produce outcomes that I wanted. Even though I did really enjoy designing the type face and I am happy with the usability and look of the final type, I was disappointed not to be able to deliver all the final products I had intended. This was due to my lack of time management when it came to production and something that I wish I would have allocated more time for. Ideally I would have also extended the typeface into designing the number system and also the glyphs and different weights for Marina.

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