Monday 20 May 2013

Yearbook progress.

Chris mentioned that despite the shambles that was the fashion yearbook, we should create a mock up for our portfolio. This made sense seeing how much time we had invested with the yearbook.
We only had minimal content to work with (the model photos and the contact info of each student)
but seeing as there were no more restrictions, we decided to only include the work that looked the best.

These patricianly examples of work were appropriate as they seemed to be the best quality and we decided to include Hayley's work as it was a mixture of illustration and photography of her garments.

The yearbook was built around a very simple grid.

It was quite difficult to create a dynamic layout despite the simple elements. I thought it would be a nice twist to have the name of the student below their work rather than have their names above their work (like a title) along with their contact information.

I then sent the layouts to Sarah to print in the digi print resource.

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